Oobleck Experiment
(Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr Seuss)
Question - Is Oobleck solid or liquid
I think that oobleck is a liquid because when you add pressure to the oobleck that makes it into a solid.
Hypothesis: (what you think will happen)
I thought that it will go solid over time and it will turn into slime and it would be running like water but at the end of it. It went really well and my group and I was really happy with the results.
Water, bowl ,corn flower spoon to mix it.
Step- by- Step Procedure
First, grab a bowl and add a cup of water then add a cup of cornflower.
Next, start to mix it until it strat go between thick and running
Then, if it is to thick add some a little bit of water at a time and mix it again and add corn flower if it is too running.
Last, if it good for you. You can put it in glab rap if you want to. Then clean up your mess.
This is what Oobleck looks like:
These are the tests you carried out you must answer each question with a minimum of 2 sentences (more would be better).
How did it behave when you slapped it? It just went in a solid because you are putting pressure on it and that makes it into a solid. Then it went like water when i removed my hand.
What happened when you placed a blob of oobleck on the table and poked it after a minute? How did it behave?It just went hard when it I started poking it again. Well it was the same but when I removed my finger it made a big hole in the oobleck. Then the oobleck starting to fill it up slowly and it was cool to watch it.
What happened when you dipped your finger into the oobleck and slowly moved them around the bowl? It was hard to move my finger around it and after a while. It starting to go hard and I couldn’t rally move my finger any more.
What happened if you moved them faster? It will just stay as a liquid because you aren’t putting any pressure. On the oobleck so it would just stay as a liquid .
What happened when you threw an oobleck ball in the air? (Did it retain its shape or not?) It did remain it shape because we rap it up in glab rap so it didn’t get every where. But if you didn’t put in glab rap then it would still remain it shape in the air but when it hits the ground it will splatter every where.
When you pushed it how did it react?
Your hand stay up because when you push on it the pressure that you putting in your hand thats is making it solid. But if you don’t put any pressure on it your hand will just slowly go into the oobleck and hit the bottom.
When you picked it up, did it all come up? When I picked it up it just went through my fingers and hit the ground. When I played with it in my hand it just stayed as a solid.
What happened when you poured it? When i poured it it would snap and created it own bloped and it started to spread out on the glab rap. And when i fold the glab rap over the oobleck the glab rap would just start to sink into the oobleck.
What happens with the shape of it? With the shape of the oobleck it would stay the shape If I keep play with it in my hand. But when I stopped playing with it and the oobleck just lost it shape.
Analyze Your Observations:
My group made it to thick at the start so we add water in to it and then it came to running so we add more corn flower in it and mix it while we add corn flower and I say that my group worked pretty good as a team.
What is your conclusion? (result)
The result from doing the oobleck is that oobleck is a liquid and not any liquid it is non-Newtonian liquid and this taught me to work as a team and never give up on what you are making and talk to your group about what you are going to do and make sure that every one has something to do or they are going to keep asking you what can I do. That is what I have learnt from making oobleck.
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